mykensho is a unique technology, knowledge and human enabled adolescent identity, career and advanced life skill development ecosystem solution. It is a data enabled unified framework that progressively involves parents, schools, counsellors, industry, government and community working together to empower a child through preventative, evidence and needs based personalised
intervention, facilitating adolescents to indivdualise and find their right place in this world to be happy and successful...kensho means 'the first glimpse of enlightenment' that should happen at the adolescent stage of human development to actualise!


Adolescent Identity, Advanced Life Skills and Career Education and Development
An inclusive, structured, focused and continuous approach to empower youth to aspire, explore (internally and externally), understand, decide, plan and execute educational, career and personal roadmaps based on real world scenarios and source of truth knowledgebases towards achieving a self informed, self directed and evolving life, learning and career vision starting from school.

What is the problem ?
Adolescent identity-career-life education and development is a scientific, proven and continuous process that needs to be delivered to children throughout their formative years in the form of age appropriate activities and techniques, guidance, tools, assessments and information.
A child is not able to develop or understand themselves and decide life and education pathways by a few tests, expert talks or counselling sessions just at the times of decision making. They need to be continuously educated and empowered to know themselves and the world around to reduce adolescent identity issues and maximise their potential by developing an evidence based personalised plan for their future success whist in school...
Give a child a fish and you feed for a day, teach a child to fish and you feed for a lifetime.
Chinese Proverb
In this rapidly changing world we also need to teach the child to find new fishing spots, along with the will and the skill to find alternative food sources in case the fish runs out!
mykensho Paradigm
Enhance your ability to mentor your child
mykensho news
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