mykensho In-Curriculum
Learning 21st Century Skills in Classrooms

Don Bosco High School, a premier Salesian school located in Mumbai, is widely known for their all round approach to education. They incorporated the myKensho Identity and Career Education Program since the program aligns with their vision.
The school has been a testament to the effective development of 21st century skills of the students.
In a post program survey conducted for the students of 10th grade, who did the program successfully for two consecutive years, 47% of the students indicated that they feel very confident about the understanding of their skills and attributes. 53% students responded that they are somewhat aware of their potential and also have awareness of the need to maneuver certain skills and abilities in order to flourish in the career options of their choice. 41% students revealed that they feel confident about evaluating career options while 47% of the students are somewhat aware of how to evaluate their career options with the involvement of significant stakeholders such as parents and teachers. 29% of students are confident that they can think of alternate career options if required and 53% students are somewhat aware that they can do that.
The mykensho program has been a part of the school curriculum for the past 3 years now. The progressive change indicate that the program has had an impact on students in terms of skill development and preparing them for the 21st century.