The Indian Careers Curriculum Framework has been modeled on the International frameowrk for Career Development, and proven models of global best practice . It provides a strong theoretical and evidence based foundation which is relevant to the cultural and socio economic needs of India.
Career education activities to develop core employability skills along with the right attitudes and work values and are delivered through project based learning, group discussions, research and individual presentations, study tours, industry visits and job shadowing as well as career and life simulation exercises, career assessment tools. The program builds a strong foundation in the formative years and provides the student with the knowledge and capability to hone these skills and value system as they traverse through life after school.
Each year, from Standard VII to Std.XII the students go through the thought process of discovering themselves, mapping it to explore occupations and careers pathways most suited to them, but also in demand, then Focus on developing core skills and attributes necessary for any job, Plan in relation to their learning habits and personal traits, Decide on goals to help them achieve those skills and attributes identified, and finally Apply this knowledge to make life and career decisions.
The online knowledgebase of Indian and international careers, labour market trends, occupation videos and fact sheets, as well as comprehensive, information on courses offered by various universities and colleges, selection criteria and requirements are made available through a portal. The portal is packed with insightful infographics, forecasted trends, regular updates and analysis on businesses, jobs, courses. The knowledge team continually researches and engages with industry experts, associations, peak and professional bodies to ensure the information is updated, credible and trustworthy.
Teachers and parents also have access to this information to understand the child and mentor them. The philosophy of positive psychology which underpins program delivery, is a powerful, proactive, action-oriented approach to assist young people, enhance their personal performance health and wellbeing. Career Coaching goes beyond traditional best fit career approaches to assist every young person design their own compelling Life and Career Pathway Plan that matches their vision, values, preferred lifestyle, strengths and interests. It is an ongoing process of behaviour change and skill development, designed to maximise performance and wellbeing to make a more successful transition to work and life.