mykensho In-Curriculum
Parents & Teachers Collaborate to Mentor Students Holistically
The Ashram School, Chennai decided to transform the regular PTMs into a Parent Teacher Conference with the objective of both stakeholders engaging in a constructive dialogue to review the short term goals set by the student, as part of the mykensho program, and discuss how they can support the child in school and at home to achieve his/her goals.
A week prior to the event, all class teachers scheduled a lesson on SMART Goal setting using the mykensho portal and coaching techniques to help students reflect on various facets of education, health and well-being and career, identify areas they need to improve and also plan what to do, when and how to do it, and whose help they need, in order to achieve their goals.
This will serve as a dynamic document which can be reviewed periodically to ensure students are on track , can reassess their progress and build resilience when things don’t work as planned. This is a structured mechanism for students to take ownership of their life and study, and a shared space for discussion and ideation, with the parent-teacher team working together to help the students set realistic goals and be supported in school and at home, as practicable.
The teachers were impressed that students even in the younger classes where able to set at least one goal for themselves and felt this approach helped students develop a positive attitude towards their study and life. Parents were pleased that the school management is implementing the mykensho program in curriculum and is building such lifelong skills continuously, as part of the school’s regular functioning. They also remarked that the weekly mykensho activities helped them have meaningful conversations as a family.